Best Axe for Bushcraft: Your Complete Guide

About the Best axe for bushcraft, If you’re a bushcraft enthusiast, you understand a reliable axe’s importance. 

And if you’re new to bushcraft, perhaps you should make an axe your best friend. Generally, an axe will help you chop wood and even be a tool for self-protection. 

However, selecting the best one becomes challenging with the market full of many axes.

Well, worry not! Let’s help you find the best axe for bushcraft. Keep reading to find out. 

Considerations While Selecting The Best Bushcraft Axe

You don’t just walk into a shop and walk out with an axe. Several things must inform your choice. Check them out below:

What You’re Planning To Cut

Most axes are designed to cut specific types of wood. We recommend buying a lighter axe if you plan to cut smaller branches. 

However, go for a heavier and more sturdy axe if you intend to chop large wood. 

axe on the tree

(axe on the tree)

Where You Plan To Go

Are you planning on touring a thick forest that will require you to do a lot of chopping? 

You’ll need a well-balanced axe. Furthermore, you’ll need a lightweight axe to go far. 

Chop wood in the jungle

(Chop wood in the jungle)

The Multi-use Tool

When you decide to go out for an adventure, you’ll not have enough space to carry everything. Why not find an all-in-one tool to do all the tasks you want?

 It could mean finding an axe strong enough for chopping wood and sharp enough for shaving kindlings.

The Axe Size

Experienced bushcraft enthusiasts understand the size of an axe. Well, the best bushcraft should be portable and easy to carry. 

A large axe might be good at splitting large logs, but a small axe is easy to carry. Therefore, we recommend finding a balance between a large and small axe. 

A small axe

(A small axe)

The Axe Type

several sizes axes

(several sizes axes)

The type of axe should also impact your selection. Below are the types of bushcraft axes:


The hatchets are smaller and single-handed axes. Generally, you can use them to chop or split your wood. 

We recommend hatchets if you don’t expect o cut large trees during your adventure. 

Small Axes

This axe is bigger in both weight and length than the hatchet. Therefore, you can use it to cut small trees. 

Many people love these axes since they’re adaptable and portable. Generally, they offer a good balance between hatchets and felling axes.

Felling Axes

Consider the falling axes if you plan to adventure in a thick forest. These axes are about 24-30 inches and are designed to be heavy-duty. 

Generally, felling axes are less convenient for hiking than small axes and hatchets.

felling axe

(felling axe)

Overall best bushcraft axe

Best Overall: Hults Brik Aneby


  • The axe is made of high-quality and durable materials
  • It’s lightweight and thus easy to carry
  • Its weight supports cutting most wood
  • Its handle is designed from American hickory wood.


  • The axe is expensive

Best with Short Handle: Grandsfors Bruks Small Forest


  • The axe is highly durable
  • It’s versatile and good for multi-use
  • It’s lightweight and thus easy to carry
  • Has a leather sheath that offers maximum safety to users
  • High-quality head remains sharp after long-term use


  • Not big enough to support very heavy cutting
  • It’s expensive

Best Budget: CRKT Woods Carbon Steel


  • The axe is lightweight.
  • It’s designed from high-quality materials, thus being durable
  • Supports multiple purposes
  • The axe is affordable


  • The head comes out of the handle sometimes

Snow and Nealy Hudson Bay


  • The axe is easy to carry
  • Its steel head and wooden handle are durable
  • Remains sharp for long


  • Doesn’t support heavy cutting

Husqvarna Curved Carpenter Axe


  • The axe is lightweight
  • Made from quality material, thus high durability
  • Support multiple purposes


  • Its 26-inch axe is longer
different types of axes

(different types of axes)

Frequently asked questions

What size axe is best for bushcraft?

We recommend lengths of between 18 to 24 inches. Generally, a good axe is one you can use even with a single hand.

Also, it should be long enough to support a lot of force while striking.

How heavy should a bushcraft axe be?

Bushcraft axes should be light enough to carry and heavy enough to do the necessary tasks. Therefore, we recommend weights of less than 3 pounds.

The man uses an axe in the open air

(The man uses an axe in the open air)


In conclusion, choosing the right axe for bushcraft is essential for every wilderness survivalist.

Generally, consider location, activity, and multi-use capability while selecting the best bushcraft axe.

Additionally, consider the wood type, axe size, and weight. 

Always prioritize your needs while selecting an axe to make your adventures fun. Happy adventures!