Bamboo Cutting Board Vs. Wood Cutting Board- How to Choose and Comparisons

When you look at the bamboo cutting board vs. wood cutting board debate, a few things come to mind: durability, resistance to water, safety, maintenance, and cleaning. 

They have marked differences, which fit some people’s categories in the kitchen. 

A bamboo cutting board is good for those who want a hardworking board that is eco-friendly, while others like wood cutting boards because of the look and feel. 

Let’s look into this further. 

Main Features of  Bamboo Cutting Board 

Bamboo cutting boards are the best for functionality and eco-conscious. 

Bamboo gets its hardness from containing lignin and cellulose

But it is also light and easy to use in the kitchen. 


  • Does not warp easily- It does not warp when in lots of water. This ability is better when you oil and clean your board properly. 
  • Eco-friendly– Bamboo is grass, so it grows quicker than trees. So, it is super eco-friendly and can keep up with the demand. It does not cause much stress on nature. 
  • Durable- Bamboo cutting boards are very strong and can handle whatever you do on the board. 
  • Is cheap= Bamboo is readily available, so it is not that costly. 
  • Looks good and organic- These cutting boards give your kitchen a good and clean look. Bamboo is usually green or light brown, but you can dye it. 


  • Bamboo boards can get something called splinters if you do not oil them or take good care of them. This can go into your food and be harmful. 
  • The boards may contain toxic chemicals due to the glue used. 
  • Bamboo contains silica, which reduces the ability of your knife. 


Main Features of Wood Cutting Board 

You would see wood everywhere. From our furniture to floors and whittling, wood is a big part of our lives. 

There is no surprise it is also used as a cutting board. Wood is strong and can handle force, protects your knives, and is sanitary. 


  • Wood is very clean and kills any bacteria. Wood types, such as walnut and maple, have anti-bacterial abilities. This means that bacteria cannot stay on the board. 
  • Wood is safer for your knives and will not damage them. 
  • Wood is durable, so it lasts long. 
  • The wood look is what some people go for. It has an unmatched beauty that lifts your kitchen. 
  • You can use wood cutting boards to serve food as well. 


  • Since they are strong, wood boards are heavy. It can be hard to handle. 
  • Wood boards must be seasoned/oiled to ensure it is food-safe. 
  • You cannot use the dishwasher to wash the board. It must be washed by hand. You must follow proper instructions to clean the board, like the Acacia cutting board
  • It is costly. 
  • You must only buy wood cutting boards from certain kinds of trees. 


Bamboo Cutting Board vs. Wood Cutting Board 

Now we have come to the most important part! We have to compare the boards in terms of the below factors. 


Both boards are very strong. Who would have thought that a delicate material like bamboo is durable without being heavy? 

It is easy to handle while being sturdy. Wood cutting boards, on the other hand, are strong and very heavy. 

However, they can handle the beating of a knife. 

using the cutting board

(using the cutting board)


Wood boards need way more maintenance than bamboo boards. You cannot wash these boards in the dishwasher. 

Instead, you must wash them by hand. You must not soak them in water too.

 The reason why wood boards need more maintenance is that it has to be oiled occasionally to make sure it is perfect at all times. 

Bamboo boards also need oil, but you do not have to do it as often as wood boards. 

How Well It Handles Water

Bamboo is the best board when it comes to water. It is virtually water-resistant and is not as porous as wood.

 This means that stains do not set on a bamboo board. 

On the other hand, wood boards absorb lots of water if given a chance.

 It can gather mold and bacteria if not dried properly after washing. 

The same goes for bamboo, too, if you do not take care of it. 

cutting board used as a serving plate

(cutting board used as a serving plate)


For wooden boards, you must scrub with dishwashing soap and water. 

If the board has cuts, wash these properly to get rid of the dirt that is hiding there.

 For bamboo boards, do the same process.

You can wipe either board with vinegar for added freshness. Want to know a cool trick to get rid of stubborn stains? 

Instead of using bleach, use some lemon juice and salt. Make sure to wash the board, and the stain will be gone. 


Let’s not forget about safety! You don’t want to risk something called cross-contamination, which affects your food and health. 

After you clean your board, leave it to air dry.

 And if your cutting board is old and has many cuts, it’s probably best to get a new one. 

knife on the block

(knife on the block)


Ultimately, it is up to you to decide which type of board is best for your needs. 

Both wooden and bamboo types of cutting boards have their unique qualities, so carefully consider your options before deciding on one. 

We are here to help you every step of the way! Happy cooking!